Immerse Yourself in a Tapestry of History, Art, and Memory

In the heart of war-torn Damascus, lies a crumbling masterpiece—the Umayyad Mosque. When young artist, Lina, is entrusted with its restoration, she embarks on a perilous journey that will test her skills, challenge her beliefs, and unveil the complexities of her own history.

As Lina delves into the mosque's intricate mosaic and faded frescoes, she discovers hidden symbols and centuries-old secrets. The task of preserving this ancient treasure becomes a quest for redemption, not only for the mosque but for her own wounded spirit.

About the Book

  • Title: Restoring Damascus With Watered Down Paint
  • Author: Sarah El-Rashidi
  • Genre: Historical fiction, Literary fiction
  • Publication Date: June 2023
  • : 978-1-64840-901-2
  • Format: Paperback, Hardcover, E-book

Meet the Author

Author Photo Of Sarah El Rashidi Restoring Damascus:: With Watered Down Paint

Critical Acclaim

  • "A mesmerizing blend of history, art, and emotion. Sarah El-Rashidi's writing is both evocative and thought-provoking, leaving a lasting impact on the reader." - The New York Times Book Review
  • "A triumph of storytelling that captures the resilience of the human spirit against the backdrop of war and destruction. A must-read for anyone interested in the power of art and the complexities of identity." - NPR Books
  • "Sarah El-Rashidi has crafted a masterpiece that transcends time and place. 'Restoring Damascus With Watered Down Paint' is a profound meditation on the fragility of beauty and the indomitable spirit of those who seek to preserve it." - The Guardian

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